Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bloomington Indiana August 2013 report

Continued Outreach

We have remained very steadfast in our outreach efforts. We continue to hang door hangers in new neighborhoods, and then we follow up by going back through and knocking on each door to give a personal invitation with a gospel tract. We are also trying to capitalize on opportunities to build relationships as much as possible. We are planting and watering as bountifully as we can, believing that God will give the increase.

                    Another Salvation

It was so wonderful to have two of our visitors saved last month. They have continued to attend services regularly and we ask that you pray for their growth in the Lord. This month we had another salvation and this one was supper special as it was the Bourland’s granddaughter, Kevin and Kelli’s oldest child, Leah. We all knew that she had been thinking about it for a while. Several good conversations were had over the past few weeks, but on Sunday morning the 11th Leah came to Kelli and told her that she knew she needed to be saved. After reviewing what the Bible said about receiving Christ she prayed and ask the Lord to save her. Our hearts are full to overflowing.

                    First Membership Seminar

On the last Sunday of the month we had our first membership seminar. We have this seminar with everyone that is interested in joining the new church. We want to be sure that they understand what we believe and practice before they join and we want to be certain that they know what their responsibility will be. We were so pleased to have two families attend. Please pray for them as they decide if this is God’s will for them.

Here Come the Students

We are super excited to have the students of Indiana University start arriving back to Campus.  This influx of students brings over 40,000 more residents to Bloomington.  We are currently planning outreach on campus and the launch of a student bible study.  Pray for God to continue to open the right doors and close the wrong ones.  Our desire is to win students to the Lord, disciple them and lead them into fellowship with the Church. 

Ministry Opportunity
While attending the open house at the kids’ school, we stopped by to tell the social worker that we were praying for her and would like to help with any needs that may present themselves. She informed us that there were 17 homeless children attending the school there and they did occasionally have needs. We are now working with her to provide coats and blankets for all 17 of these children, as the colder months are approaching. We are specifically working with one elementary school but there are several other Elementary schools in Bloomington that could use help in this area as well. If you would like to donate financially or by purchasing any of these items please contact Kelli for more information. 812-606-9445 or kellipruitt6@yahoo.com



Contacts                         1182
AM attendance                   17

 PM Attendance                  14
First Time Visitors                3

                                                     Salvations                             1

Calvary Baptist Church

PO Box 929 Magnolia, AR 71754                                                       

Phone | 870-234-4405


Scott B- missionarybourland@gmail.com   812-345-8307
Kevin P- kevin_r_pruitt@yahoo.com           812-369-6820

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Bloomington Indiana June 2013 Report

To get this report by email, comment giving us your email address and we will send it to you by email.
Deputation has Ended
        The Bourlands and the Pruiits finished their deputation this month, spending most of their time in Arkansas. Another big thank you is given to the Center Fork MBC. They allowed both families to use their mission house and it was such a great blessing.
    There were also appointments in Oklahoma, Missouri, and they attended the ABA in Dallas. The Pruitts also were able to go to their home church in Hamilton, OH. They attended the graduation of 2 of their former youth ministry students and their church family gave them a sending away party.
    This completes their deputation travels. They will attend associating meetings when possible and would be excited to visit any churches that would give them a direct invitation, but the time has come for the work to begin.
Preview Services
    Our first three services (July 7, 14, 21) will be what we are calling preview services. These services will be in the main conference room of the Holiday Inn.  Anyone is welcome of course, but our main target is our core group and anyone they might want to personally invite.
    The main purpose of these services will be to learn all that is involved in setting up and taking down our equipment, getting comfortable with the flow of our services, and getting our core group to feel that they already know what is going on and how they can help when we hit the first public service.
    We will rejoice if we can achieve these goals and of course if God wants to do more, we are all for that as well.
First Public Service
    The First Public services will be held on July 28th and will be in the auditorium of the Batchelor Middle School. It seats about 250 and will serve us very well as an initial meeting place. The cost of the rent is $200 per week.
    We want to get the word out about this service and will be working hard to canvas as much as possible. We are planning to do canvassing on Thursday July 18th and 25th from 6PM until dark. We also plan to make a day of it on July 21st. If you are able to come help us we would really love to have your help. Or if you can come at another time before the 28th let us know, we will make adjustments.
Special Day, Kevin’s Ordination
    On June 16th, Kevin was ordained. It was such a special day for all of us (mission team and church family). Each time a man is ordained into the gospel ministry there is a special pride, knowing that God is
still calling men and there are faithful ones who are answering.
Support Level
    Our number of supporters is growing month by month. We are currently at about 57% of the needed monthly support. We are praying that many churches we visited and maybe some we didn’t will come on board to help us with the additional funds needed.
    Our goal is to raise 7,000 per month. This would allow the Bourlands to be full time, the Pruitts to have housing assistance, and preparedness for any ministry expenses that may arise above what the mission will handle on its own.

 PO Box 929                                        Magnolia, AR 71754          Phone | 870-234-4405
Scott-missionarybourland@gmail.com    812-345-8307                Kevin-kevin_r_pruitt@yahoo.com              513-262-4083
